Track Barrow

A track barrow is a powerful and versatile tool that is commonly used in various industries and construction sites. This innovative piece of equipment combines the functionality of a traditional wheelbarrow with the added advantage of tracks or caterpillar-like treads, providing enhanced stability and maneuverability. Whether you are a DIY enthusiast or a professional contractor, understanding the ins and outs of a track barrow can greatly improve your efficiency and productivity on the job.

Choosing the Right Track Barrow for Your Needs

Choosing the right track barrow depends on various factors, such as the intended use, load capacity, and terrain conditions. Consider the weight and volume of the materials you typically transport, as well as the accessibility of your worksite. It’s also essential to assess the track barrow’s engine power, track durability, and overall build quality. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can select a track barrow that meets your specific requirements and ensures optimal performance. Below are our best selling track barrows available:

Mini Dumpers / Power Barrows

Nash Trax Evo Power Barrow


About Track Barrows

Track barrows are specialized type of barrows that features tracks or treads instead of wheels. These tracks are typically made of durable rubber or metal and are designed to provide better traction and stability on various terrains. Unlike conventional wheelbarrows, track barrows can easily navigate rough and uneven surfaces, making them ideal for transporting heavy loads across construction sites, gardens, and other challenging environments.

Best Selling Brands

Different Types of Track Barrows

Track barrows come in various types and configurations to suit different needs. One common variation are the electric track barrows, which is powered by an electric motor. This type of track barrow is ideal for those who require extra power and convenience, as it eliminates the need for manual pushing or pulling. Another popular variation are the self-propelled track barrows, which features a gasoline or diesel engine for autonomous operation. These self-propelled models are often favored by professionals working on large-scale projects.

How to Use Track Barrows Safely and Effectively

When operating a track barrow, safety should always be a top priority. Start by familiarizing yourself with the user manual and any specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and safety goggles, to protect yourself from potential hazards. Additionally, ensure that the load is balanced and secure before moving the track barrow. Use the tracks’ superior traction to your advantage, maintaining a steady and controlled pace while navigating challenging terrains.

How much weight can a track barrow carry?

The weight capacity of track barrows varies depending on the model and manufacturer. Be sure to check the specifications provided by the manufacturer to determine the maximum load capacity of your track barrow.

Maintenance and Care for Your Track Barrow

Proper maintenance and care are crucial for keeping your track barrow in top shape and maximizing its lifespan. Regularly inspect the tracks for signs of wear or damage, and replace them if necessary. Clean the tracks and other components after each use to remove dirt, debris, and any corrosive substances that may affect their performance. It is also essential to lubricate moving parts, such as the tracks’ rollers and axles, to ensure smooth operation. Following the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines will help you maintain the track barrow’s reliability and performance over time.